You can apply to register as a Team or as individual player.
If you’re the captain, the Team Manager or the person in charge of registering your team, you can start now completing the following process:
1.- Complete and send the following form
2.- After you receive the confirmation of the registration and availability to be part of the event, the following step is to pay the Registration Fee per Team: U$D 500.- to complete the registration process and guaranteed the place in the World Masters Rugby 2025, by Banks transference . We will send you the details to do the payment by email.
3.- We will send you the list of hotels available, and we ‘ll contact you to know your specific and surely tailor made requirements, to start the booking of the Festival Packages.
If you want to attend the World Masters Rugby Festival 2025 but don’t have a team, don’t worry, we will find you a team to join up with.
You can register just sending an email to including the following information:
Full name, city and country based, age and the category of interested to play.
You can register just you or with some friends too, sending the same information in just one email if you prefer.
After this you will receive confirmation of your registration.
The following step is to pay the Individual Registration Fee: U$D 100.- per person (Just if you are not member of any team) to complete the registration process and guaranteed your place in the World Masters Rugby Festival 2025. Please note this fee will be discounted of your package, is not an extra cost.
We will send you the list of hotels available, and we ‘ll contact you to start the booking of the Festival Packages (Must be purchased for each player and non player).
Any doubt or more info, please contact us to by email to contact us to; or whatsApp: +549 381 454 1189